CSS Peek - id 및 class 가 정의된 CSS 보기

용병 2018. 8. 31. 11:28

html 파일의 CSS id 및 class 가 정의된 각 CSS 를 보여줍니다.

링크 : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=pranaygp.vscode-css-peek

The extension supports all the normal capabilities of symbol definition tracking, but does it for css selectors (classes, IDs and HTML tags). This includes:

  • Peek: load the css file inline and make quick edits right there. (Ctrl+Shift+F12)
  • Go To: jump directly to the css file or open it in a new editor (F12)
  • Hover: show the definition in a hover over the symbol (Ctrl+hover)