Highlight Matching Tag - 매칭되는 태그 강조
2019. 1. 24. 15:34
VSCode = Visual Studio Code 에서 사용할 수 있는 확장(Extension) 입니다.
HTML 내에서 매칭되는 닫는 태그나 여는 태그를 강조해 주는 확장입니다.
링크 : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vincaslt.highlight-matching-tag
Variable | Default | Description |
highlight-matching-tag.enabled | true | Enables/disables the highlighting and status bar |
highlight-matching-tag.showPath | true | Enables/disables showing path to tag in status bar (e.g. div > p > a ) |
highlight-matching-tag.showRuler | true | Enables/disables showing highlighted tag pair in ruler section |
highlight-matching-tag.highlightSelfClosing | false | Should self-closing tags be highlighted too (can be useful for multiline self-closing tags) |
highlight-matching-tag.highlightFromContent | false | Whether to highlight from the tag content the closest matching tag pair |
highlight-matching-tag.styles | { opening: { name: { underline: 'yellow' } } } | Custom styling configuration, see Styling Options |