
ftp-sync - FTP/SFTP 파일/디렉토리 동기화

용병 2018. 8. 30. 00:36

FTP/SFTP 서버에서 로컬 workspace 로 쉽게 파일/디렉토리를 동기화 해주는 확장입니다.

링크 : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=lukasz-wronski.ftp-sync

기본 명령어

Initializes a default FTP-Sync configuration file in the .vscode directory. Options can be customised as follows:

  • remotePath - This can be set to the path on the remote that you would like to upload to. The default is ./ i.e. the root.
  • host - The hostname of the FTP server you want to connect to.
  • username - The username of the FTP account you want to use.
  • password - The password of the FTP account you want to use.
  • port - The port on the FTP server you would like to connect to. The default is "21".
  • protocol - The FTP protocol to be used. The default is "ftp" but you can also specify "sftp".
  • uploadOnSave - Whether files should automatically be uploaded on save. The default is false.
  • passive - Specifies whether to use FTP passive mode. The default is false.
  • debug - Specifies whether to display debug information in an ftp-sync Output window. The default is false.
  • privateKeyPath - Specifies the path to the private key for SFTP. The default is null.
  • passphrase - Specifies the passphrase to use with the private key for SFTP. The default is null.
  • ignore - An array of escaped regular expression strings specifying paths to ignore. If a path matches any of these regular expressions then it will not be included in the sync. Default values are "\\.git""\\.vscode"and ".DS_Store".
  • "generatedFiles": {
    • "uploadOnSave": true,
    • "path": "", [e.g.] "/build",
    • "extensionsToInclude": [] e.g. [".js", ".styl"] }

Displays a synchronization wizard to configure a sync operation that changes FTP files and folders to match project files.

Displays a synchronization wizard to configure a sync operation that changes project files and folders to match FTP files.

Commits reviewed list of changes made with Sync Local to Remote or Sync Remote to Local command.